Have you heard the saying 'celebrities are just like us'? I don't believe it. Most of us certainly don't look like celebrities, especially Sofia Vergara. Could she be any hotter?
'Machete Kills,' Robert Rodriguez's follow-up to 2010's 'Machete,' ditches the grindhouse aesthetic and homage, and instead tries to emulate a late-'80s, early-'90s action flick -- basically, Rodriguez made the kind of movie he often makes. The result is an uninspired, joyless and oft-trashy exercise in self-indulgence. Rodriguez has spent his career making films the way he wants in his own backya
Maybe it's the $2,000 wig, maybe it's that we wound up using some really old makeup we found under the sink (thanks, Sandy), but something makes celebrity Halloween costumes seem more glamorous than ours. Here are just a few of our favorites from this year. And yes, that is Ellen DeGeneres dressed up as Sofia Vergara. And Miley Cyrus as Nicki Minaj. Apparently this year famous people decided that
Sophia Vergara, the eye-delicious star of ‘Modern Family’, posed for a series of very provocative pictures in the latest issue of GQ Mexico. Actually, the term “very provocative” implies that the photos leave something to the imagination.
Modern Family’s hot mama Sofia Vergara graces the cover of Esquire’s April 2012 Sex Issue. In it, she talks about what American men can do to learn the ways of the Latin woman.