The Best Older Movies on Netflix Right NowThe Best Older Movies on Netflix Right NowThere are some buried diamonds in the rough on streaming.Matt SingerMatt Singer
The Greatest Lost Films We’ll Never Get to WatchThe Greatest Lost Films We’ll Never Get to Watch10 great movies (and cuts of great movies) that are gone forever.Matt SingerMatt Singer
Coronavirus Ruined Terry Gilliam’s Plan to Shoot Unmade Kubrick ProjectCoronavirus Ruined Terry Gilliam’s Plan to Shoot Unmade Kubrick ProjectLockdown prevented the movie from filming.Claire EptingClaire Epting
A New ‘2001’ Exhibit Reveals How Stanley Kubrick Predicted the Future of MoviemakingA New ‘2001’ Exhibit Reveals How Stanley Kubrick Predicted the Future of MoviemakingAmong all the other things ‘A Space Odyssey’ predicted about the future, it also invented Easter eggs.Matt SingerMatt Singer
The Voice of HAL in ‘2001’, Douglas Rain, DiesThe Voice of HAL in ‘2001’, Douglas Rain, DiesRain played HAL 9000, perhaps the most famous computer in the history of movies.Matt SingerMatt Singer