People love Planet of the Apes. They love the 1968 original with Charlton Heston. They dig the reboot trilogy starring Andy Serkis as mo-cap ape leader Caesar. They even enjoy a lot of the sequels in between, like the disturbing Beneath the Planet of the Apes and the allegorical Conquest of the Planet of the Apes.
You remember Beetlejuice. That crazy, anarchic ghost guy played by Michael Keaton who materializes in his black-and-white striped suit whenever you say his name three times.
With their new Cinderella just days away, Disney is continuing its streak of turning its animated classics into live-action features with the news, via the Wall Street Journal, that Dumbo is ready to make the transition from animated elephant to ... well, still-animated elephant surrounded by live-action actors. If that idea doesn’t get your ears flapping, maybe this will: the Journal says Tim Burton will be the man who’ll direct the new Dumbo.
Once upon a time, Nicolas Cage almost played Superman. In a movie directed by Tim Burton. From a script by Kevin Smith. Which was based on the iconic "Death of Superman" comic book storyline. And then it all fell apart, transforming it into one of Hollywood's greatest "What if?" narratives. 'Superman Lives' may have died before making it in front of cameras, but at least the new documentary 'The Death of Superman Lives' will give us an insider's look at what went wrong.