Are There Murder Hornets In Michigan Yet? Are We In Any Real Danger?Are There Murder Hornets In Michigan Yet? Are We In Any Real Danger?They've found MULTIPLE nests out west. Folks claim they have seen them in Michigan. Are we in any real danger?LargeLarge
5 Fun Facts About Cicada Killer Wasps in Michigan5 Fun Facts About Cicada Killer Wasps in MichiganCicada Killer Wasps look and sound dangerous, but do we have anything to worry about?Dana MarshallDana Marshall
Here Are Michigan’s Most Dangerous & Deadly Insects & ReptilesHere Are Michigan’s Most Dangerous & Deadly Insects & ReptilesWe're not talking about stink bugs today, no matter how annoying they may be. I think it's time we discuss some of Michigan's more dangerous critters. Nathan VandenburgNathan Vandenburg