To be a Michigander on Thanksgiving is really something very special

There are very few other places in America that have the tried and true traditions that people from Michigan hold dear. Over the years, I realize that every family has something special that they do on a holiday. Maybe a drink is poured that was always served by a great relative, or that side dish that was made from a "secret family recipe", but in Michigan, we all share many rituals on the Thanksgiving holiday.

Travel - whether it is across town or across the country Thanksgiving is the biggest travel holiday of the year. In Michigan, we don't miss this meal with family and friends for anything.

The Feast - The smells of yams, meat and pies float through the air...soon you will dine on the best meal of the year!

The Detroit  Lions Game - This year will make the 75th time that the Lions have played on Thanksgiving Day (and yes, it really is because of profits, but who cares?).

A Thanksgiving Turkey Trot - Almost every community in the state has a run you can take part in! For example the Annual WMU Turkey Trot 5k; as the turkey is cooking, you can take a preemptive strike against all you are going to eat!

Games After The Meal - Maybe it's touch football in the front yard, a vicious game of Spoons or a classic round of Euchre. Whatever it is, everyone seems to be a good looser and fun is had by all.

Binge Watch - At the end of night and the left overs are put away for tomorrows lunch, it great to settle in and watch the National Dog Show or maybe a few Christmas classics.

Now this is for all the over achievers in Michigan...they put up their Christmas lights.

May your Thanksgiving be filled with great memories and traditions.


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