Everything You Need to Know About Saturday’s Cardboard Boat Races
The Cardboard Boat Races are finally here! The race happens this Saturday, July 16th at the Lake Inn. Here are some things you should know before this Saturday's race:
Can I register my team on Saturday?
Sure! But, we have limited space for boats. If you have already started building a boat you should register now to save your place. You can get tickets here.
What time do the races start?
Registration opens at the Lake Inn at 1pm, and the races will start promptly at 2pm.
Do I have to be inside the boat during the race?
Yes. Each boat must be able to hold two people. You will paddle into Lake Neppessing, around a pontoon boat, and back to shore.
What can my boat be made out of?
You can use cardboard, paint, tape, glue, and wax to create your boat. You can still pick up a starter kit at our office. A starter kit is a 4x8' of cardboard.
Do my paddles have to me made of cardboard too?
No, you can use regular paddles.
What do I win if my boat is the best?
We have cash prizes and trophies for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in both speed and creativity.
What does it cost to just watch the races?
It's FREE to watch! You can sit on the beautifully remodeled deck at the Lake Inn and watch all day!
Can I bring my own food and drinks?
No, please purchase all food and beverage from the Lake Inn
Where do I park at the Lake Inn?
In addition to the regular parking lot, we have a special lot for "boat parking", and we will have shuttles running for the entire event for overflow parking at Castaways.