Top 10 ORV Violations in Michigan and How to Avoid Them
With the holiday weekend upon us, try not to get a ticket while cruising on the ORV.
As we all know, Michigan is filled with so many awesome things to do in the summer. One of those things is hitting the ORV trails throughout the state. With it being a holiday weekend, you know patrols will be upped so make sure your Off-Road Vehicle is up to snuff so you don't get a ticket or worse this weekend.
Here are the top 10 ORV violations in Michigan according to the Michigan Department of Natural Resources.
Operating ORV's at Excessive Speeds
Speed was the main factor contributing to accidents on ORV trails in 2020. Always take into account the conditions and what your vehicle is capable of. You can still scare the crap out of gramma without having to put the hammer down.
Careless or Reckless Riding
Reckless and careless operation of an ORV includes things like fishtailing, doing donuts, locking up the brakes, riding in a way that causes environmental damage, and more.

No ORV License or Trail Permit
All Off-Road Vehicles have to be licensed if you plan to operate them on public, federal, state, and county roads that are open to ORV use. So make sure you have the ORV license and you're riding in a place that allows you to.
No ORV Safety Certificate
Operators of ORVs that are under 16 years of age need to have completed an ORV education course and carry their safety certificates with them.
Allowing an Unsupervised Minor to Operate an ORV
Legal guardians and owners of the ORVs are required to maintain direct, visual supervision of any operator under 16 years of age. Just keep in mind that you are responsible for any violations that a youth commits.
Riding Without a Helmet
Approved Department of Transportation helmets are required when operating an ORV on any roadway, trail system, or scramble area. However, there are some exceptions to that rule, click here to see those.
Riding Under the Influence
This one is pretty self-explanatory. If you're drinking or doing drugs, don't get behind the wheel of an ORV.
Riding with More People Than the ORV Was Made For
Don't overload your ride and you'll be good to go.
Riding on the Wrong Side of the Road or Trail
Operating an ORV is just like driving on the road. Paths are narrow and corners are tight, so be sure you are riding where you should be.
Trespassing or Operating in a Closed Area
Just don't drive where you shouldn't. Stay in the areas you know you're allowed to ride.
Source: Michigan DNR
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