Why Your Consumers Energy Bill Might Be Higher This Month
So a week or so ago during the SNOWPOCALYPSE, Consumers asked us to dial back our thermostats because of a plant fire.
Their latest email was to let us know that this month's bill might be a little bit higher. And will include a few extra days of energy use.
Before you get mad, there is a method to the madness and an offer to help if you are having problems paying your bill.
Consumers Energy says most of its bills are for 30 days, but there are times when the billing cycle is either shorter or longer, based on the number of days when a meter can be read and is adjusted for weekends and federal holidays. (WILX)
And for the record, your next bill will be for 33 days.
So, all that rolled together means you might be looking at a higher bill next time around. But there is help.
Consumers Energy is happy to offer Payment Plans & Assistance.
You can also diall 2-1-1 for help.
(Source: WILX & Consumers Energy)