Zelda The Ferret Equipped With Pacemaker
Kansas State University's Veterinary Health Center has conducted its first-ever surgical implant of a heart pacemaker in a ferret. A team of veterinary specialists at the center recently performed the procedure on Zelda the ferret.
According to the university's website k-state.edu, Carl Hobi who owns three ferrets, noticed Zelda's appetite was off and that she was laying down more than usual. He took her to an area animal hospital, where an EKG showed she had a very low heartbeat. The veterinarian examining Zelda recommended she be seen by a cardiologist at Kansas State University's Veterinary Health Center.
A third-degree block in her heart was discovered, which caused a low heartbeat and a lack of energy.
The university said tests determined Zelda was a good candidate for a pacemaker, although it had to be special ordered because of her veins' small size.
Zelda was released two days after the surgery and should enjoy a normal ferret lifespan, which the school's veterinary college says generally is about 10 years.