You will never hear me complain about the heat unless my air is not working lol, now you may hear me complain about the Michigan winters, but then again who doesn't? We were pretty lucky this past year though, it really was not too bad of a winter. There are plenty of ways to beat heat, and Michigan has plenty of ways to do it with many lakes and beaches. Sometimes when it gets too humid and temps are high it can be a bit brutal.

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A hipster with a beverage dozes off while tubing on a hot summer day.

How To Beat The Michigan Heat

The extreme heat of the summer in Michigan can take its toll on our bodies. Many folks choose to stay in a lot during hot summer days with the AC cranked up, Yes, it can be too hard to stay cool during the summer months. There is no running away from the brutal summer heat. But here is the good news. There are ways you can beat the heat and stay cool without going absolutely crazy. Here are a few tips from

  1. Cool of with ice packs
  2. Sleep on a cooling sheet, I have a cooling pillow.
  3. Exercise, but not to excess, a cool room helps
  4. Stay away from hot foods
  5. Portable fans are great, love the noise helps me sleep at night.

It goes without saying you must stay hydrated, I drink at least 8oz of water a day, I also love sugar-free Powerade, grape is my favorite. Zero Gatorade is also a good way to mix it up as well. And how about ice-cold watermelon. That is always in my fridge in the summer.

 More Tips On Staying Cool

If I sit outside, I like to have a spray bottle nearby, you can use an ice pack or cold towel on your cooling points. If you know your cooling points, you’ll be able to cool yourself off faster and more effectively. Two of them are your wrists, and forehead which I learned from Mom.

NEXT: 10 Tips To Keep Your Hair Healthy Through A Michigan Summer

In the summer our hair gets exposed to a lot of things that can be super damaging. Here's how to make sure your hair is protected, happy and healthy throughout the sunniest season.

KEEP READING: Tips To Have The Best Boat Tubing Experience On Michigan Lakes

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Today these parks are located throughout the country in 25 states and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The land encompassing them was either purchased or donated, though much of it had been inhabited by native people for thousands of years before the founding of the United States. These areas are protected and revered as educational resources about the natural world, and as spaces for exploration.

Keep scrolling for 50 vintage photos that show the beauty of America's national parks.

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