Annual Kiwanis Kapers This Weekend In Lapeer
The definition of caper is a "frivolous escapade or prank", and that's how the upcoming weekend shows with the Kiwanis Club will go down!
The theme this year is "Kiwanis Got Talent?". Lapeer club members support the Family Literacy Center of Lapeer, L.A.C.A.D.A., and Inspiring Hearts for Autism along with other charities that benefit local children. Show times at the Lapeer East High School auditorium are this Friday at 7pm, and Saturday with two shows at 4pm and 8pm. General admission tickets are just $10 and are available at McComb Monument, Lapeer Gold & Diamond, Coldwell-Banker of Lapeer, and Independent Bank, or at the door.
Come have some quality family time and support this great community service organization! Says Emily Barber, a Kiwanis board member, "Is there a better place or a better way to see your chiropractor, insurance agent, jeweler, or any other member of our community showcase their 'talent' and have a good laugh doing it? I don't think so!"
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