Kathy Landin

5 Things You Might Not Know About the Elf on the Shelf
The Elf on the Shelf—whether you find him cute, annoying or somewhere in between, he's everywhere these days, making the holiday season even more complicated for parents. We did a little investigating on this elusive creature that has become a phenomenon, and discovered a few things we didn't expect.

7 Ways Christmas Has Gone High-Tech
Christmas is a time for traditions, but it seems like every year the Christmas traditions become far less traditional and way more modern. A warm fire crackles on your HDTV. That fresh-cut Christmas tree is just an illusion created by LED lights...

10 Ridiculously Expensive Christmas Gifts We Can Only Wish For
Christmas is a time for joyous giving and families coming together and singing and eggnog. But we all know that on some level it’s all about the presents.

Average, Everyday Threesome Gets Kinky When the SWAT Team is Called
Nothing spices up a marriage like a good bedtime threesome and nothing spices up a good bedtime threesome like gunfire, a standoff and the SWAT team. Hopefully when these people get out of jail, they’ll start making videos.

Jealous Neighbors Get Couple Arrested For Bumping Uglies Much Too Loud
It’s ok to have really great sex in your own home, but be careful, because if it’s so great that your neighbors can hear it, you might get arrested. Especially if you live in South Australia where more than two-thirds of the people polled online said police were right to arrest one rather vocal couple for just that.

10 Ways to Give Your Kids a Boost By Helping Them Study Better
When your kids go back to school, it’s almost like you go back to school, too. Teachers and childhood development professionals agree that when a child’s parents are involved in his education, he learns more and gets better grades. That means, you have just as big a responsibility in his schoolwork as he does.

See the Orphans From ‘Annie’ Then and Now
All the orphans from the movie ‘Annie’ lived a hard knock life — considering audience members really only gave their two-cents to the title character — and were always looking forward to tomorrow. By the end of the flick, it looked like they had a brighter future, but what really happened to those orphans from the 1982 movie ‘Annie’?

The 12 Most Essential Back-to-School Supplies Your Kids Need for a Great Year
Somehow another summer has flown by and the kiddos are headed back to school again. Sure, that means vacations are over, the house will be empty and days at the pool are numbered. But what it also means is that it’s time to shop for supplies.

Jackmeoff Mudd Arrested and Found Guilty of Having Greatest Name Ever
It stands to reason that a man named Jackmeoff Mudd would be up to no good. You saddle a guy with that kind of name and you almost guarantee that at some point, he’s going to get himself into some trouble. That’s exactly what happened in Ft. Lauderdale, FL recently.

Merriam-Webster Drops an ‘F-Bomb’ into the Dictionary
It may not be good form to use the actual word, but the term for it is now officially a part of the English language. The word czars at Merriam-Webster have added the “F-bomb” to the dictionary.

Happy 250th Birthday to the Sandwich
The thought of a 250-year-old sandwich is enough to turn your stomach. But, worse than that is the thought of having no sandwiches at all. That’s why we should all join the town of Sandwich in celebrating the 250th anniversary of the invention of the sandwich.

10 Gloriously Green St. Patrick’s Day Foods
Everyone knows that St. Patrick’s Day is the one day out of the year when we’re all Irish. And, apparently that translates into wearing anything green and silly we can get our hands on and having as much to drink as we can carry at one time. But, there’s another strange tradition that has developed in celebration of this day. We can’t explain it. Are Irish people really that into unnaturally green