Lapeer Social District Is Happening – Designated Block For Outdoor Drinking
Social district drinking is coming to downtown Lapeer. The city is designating a one block area (Fox Street Mall to Cedar Street) for outdoor drinking. Patrons can visit four downtown restaurants and enjoy their cocktails is this common area.

To be clear, this is not a BYOB situation. According to ABC 12 customers will have to buy a special cup from one of four participating businesses. They are as follow,
This is a great way to get people excited about visiting Lapeer. Along with the four above businesses, there are countless shops in the downtown area to check out.
The city of Lapeer is also hosting a classic car cruise on Monday nights from now until September. You can get exact dates and additional information on the the car cruise here. The Lapeer Food Truck Festival kicked off yesterday too.
All of the above are great events that are not only fun, but they give Lapeer area businesses an opportunity to earn revenue. We all know how tough the last year has been on small businesses. This is a great way to help these mom and pop shops stay open.
I am looking forward to visiting the social district area soon. I am definitely down to grab a drink (or two) from all four spots. Shout out to the Lapper DDA for continuing to create great attractions in the downtown area. I will let you know when the booze block is officially open for business.