Looks Like Michigan Gyms Won’t Open Up After All
Just hours after I told you Michigan gyms and fitness centers were set to open up this week, The 6th Circuit Court of Appeals granted Whitmer's motion to keep them closed.
“We sympathize deeply with the business owners and their patrons affected by the governor’s order. Crises like COVID-19 can call for quick, decisive measures to save lives. Yet those measures have extreme costs -- costs that often are not borne evenly. The decision to impose those cost rests with the political branches of government, in this case, Governor Whitmer. Her motion for emergency stay is thus granted,”
Gyms and fitness centers were literally supposed to open back up today thanks to a federal judge that ruled they could reopen in Michigan. According to WDIV, The ruling was made by U.S. District Judge Paul Maloney in the Western District of Michigan after a lawsuit was filed by the League of Independent Fitness Facilities.
I don't understand why I can get a haircut, a tattoo or a massage but I can't go to the gym to workout especially with all the necessary safety precautions in place. The whole thing is starting to get a bit frustrating.
Here's a statement from the Governor's office:
“Today three Republican-appointed judges got it right: in the fight against a global pandemic, courts must give governors broad latitude to make quick, difficult decisions. The governor will continue to take the actions necessary to save lives.”
I have nothing against the Governor, I think she did a decent job flattening the curve in Michigan but I don't get this move.