Michigan Made Hot Sauces That’ll Have You Adding Spice to Every Meal
You know what they say, if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen.
I'm going to be honest, I am an absolute wuss when it comes to anything spicy. I put sriracha on my fried rice yesterday and my nose was running down my face and I couldn't taste anything for a few minutes.

That doesn't stop me from putting it on my food though. I just have to keep a package of tissues and my drug of choice, TUMS, on me.
Whenever I eat hot sauce I turn into Paul Rudd on his episode of "Hot Ones" when he's having a conversation with himself while eating hot sauce and he's like "Hey look at us."
Look at me, handling hot sauce, who woulda thought? Not me.
Michigan Made Hot Sauces You Need in Your Cupboard
If you're a fan of all things spicy, you need to check out some of these Michigan made hot sauces. But first, let me explain what a Scoville Unit is incase you don't know. Essentially it's a tool used to measure the intensity or spiciness of a pepper.
Here's five Michigan hot sauces to try:
Hell Fire Detroit
Hell Fire Detroit has several different hot sauces to choose from. My brother is a fan of their "Cherry Bomb" sauce that's 100 - 3,500 Scoville Units (medium). Their "Bourbon Habanero Ghost" actually made it onto season 13 of "Hot Ones."
Scotty O'Hotty
Whether you're looking for single sauces or a three-pack, Scotty O'Hotty has it. They have a new "Tequila Ghost Sauce" that's medium heat and infused with pineapple and Tequila.
The Way Hot Sauce Co.
If you're looking to try a wide variety of hot sauces, The Way Hot Sauce Co. has a 10-pack sampler. If you're looking for something with a 1.5 million heat unit, try their "Grim Ripper Sauce." It's made with Carolina reaper peppers.
Fessler's has combined three different peppers to make the "Devil's Spoonful," a habanero hot sauce.
Mitten Made Pickling Co.
In the mood for something sweet and spicy? Mitten Made Pickling Company has a "Sweet Heat" hot sauce that's made with habanero peppers, mango, and pineapple.