Reward Offered For Info on Scrap Metal Found in Michigan Corn Field
Crime Stoppers is looking for your help for information that leads to an arrest.
Police in Bay County are turning their attention towards the public to find out where the scrap metal that was tied to cornstalks used to feed cattle came from, and who's behind it.
More than 1,000 acres were damaged when a silage chopper hit the pieces of aluminum that were tied to the corn stalks. The pieces were then chopped into tiny pieces and mixed in with the feed that's given to cattle. The farmer has estimated that he lost anywhere from $500,000 to $800,000 of feed from the metal.
The farmer has somewhere between 3,000 and 4,000 cattle. Luckily, he figured out what had happened before he gave the feed to his herd. If they had ingested the feed, it could've injured or killed them all.
The metal was attached to the cornstalks with blue zip ties on cornstalks in Bay and Arenac counties.
The farm damaged was a dairy farm, so the cows are not used for meat. Still, if they would've ingested the metal, it could've killed them. The farmer told ABC 12 that he's hoping that Homeland Security eventually gets involved because of the threat to the food supply.
If you have any information, you're asked to call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-422-JAIL. A $1,000 reward is being offered for tips that lead to the arrest of a suspect.
Honestly though - who would wake up in the morning and do something like this? People baffle me.