Childhood Favorite “Schoolhouse Rock” Will Be Live on Stage in Flint
There is a show coming to the Capitol Theatre in Flint for adults and kids alike, but it may be the grown-ups you see having the most fun. Schoolhouse Rock Live is coming to town, and our childhood flashback side couldn't be happier.
If you were a kid of the '70s or '80s, chances are you hum a certain song whenever anyone mentions a Legislative Bill or even the word conjunction. ( I can hear some of you singing right now). Kids of that generation, including myself, were forever changed, and helped in school at times, by a little thing called Schoolhouse Rock, and let's face it...it stuck.

Schoolhouse Rock was in reality, a series of short films that played during Saturday morning cartoons, another thing kids today have no idea what they're missing. The concept was the brainchild of David McCall, an advertising executive of McCaffrey and McCall, who used the shorts as a way to help his son who was struggling with learning multiplication tables. He found putting concepts and information into catchy tunes made it easier to memorize and remember for some kids.
Schoolhouse Rock was revealed to a world full of kids on September 2, 1971, with the pilot episode of the series, "Three Is a Magic Number," originally debuting during the debut episode of Curiosity Shop. The series went on to run from 1973 to 1984. It was later revived from 1993 to 1996. The shorts and all of their magic have been kept alive through videos, YouTube, and even streaming services such as Disney+, but now the pop culture favorite hits the musical stage!
"Schoolhouse Rock Live" in Flint
Schoolhouse Rock Live! is heading to the iconic Capitol Theatre in Flint. You will have your chance to be nostalgic on February 25, 2022, with a 7:00 PM. showtime.
"A pop culture phenomenon returns to the musical stage! Academic subjects will never seem boring again when presented through megahits like “Conjunction Junction,” “Just a Bill,” “Interplanet Janet” or “Three is a Magic Number.” Schoolhouse Rock explodes onto the stage with songs you loved updated for a whole new generation".
Tickets go on-sale Friday, January 28 at 10 a.m. with Genesee County Residents saving 30%. For more information, you can visit the Capitol Theatre website here.
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