While it'd be surreal today to see a recording artist leading staffers through an on-air holiday singalong, at the time, it was a perfectly MTV thing to do.
If you happen to hear what sounds like Billy Squier's 'The Stroke' blasting out of your local Top 40 radio station over the next few weeks, your ears aren't deceiving you.
Let’s flashback to May 16, 1981. Billy Squier’s great love song “The Stroke” enters the singles charts on its way to number 17. Billy is hot stuff nationwide.
See for yourself how hot Billy was.
The debut album from Billy Squier came in 1980 called "The Tale of the Tape" and wasn't nearly as big as it's follow up would be. As a matter of fact, he drove his car to a handful of radio stations that year handing them out to programmers, ours was one...