Tips To To Stay Cool, And Save $ In Michigan This SummerTips To To Stay Cool, And Save $ In Michigan This SummerChoosing the right ceiling fan can help cool off that overheated electric bill and keep you coolerCadillac JackCadillac Jack
Here’s When Consumer’s Energy Will Raise Rates This SummerHere’s When Consumer’s Energy Will Raise Rates This SummerIt's a good news, bad news scenario. You know it's going to happen. At least now we can tell you when and help you prepare for it.LargeLarge
She’s BACK! Jennifer Granholm To Be Named Secretary of EnergyShe’s BACK! Jennifer Granholm To Be Named Secretary of EnergyThe polarizing former Michigan Governor is sure to make everyone happy! Joey PantsJoey Pants
Consumers Energy Providing 100,000 Google Nest Thermostats For MI HomesConsumers Energy Providing 100,000 Google Nest Thermostats For MI HomesConsumers Energy along with Google and Uplight will provide the Google Nest Thermostat E to customers.Lisa MarieLisa Marie