Could This Be The Most Dangerous Highway In Michigan?Could This Be The Most Dangerous Highway In Michigan?Have you traveled one of the most dangerous and accident-prone highways in Michigan?Lauren GordonLauren Gordon
Michigan’s I-69 is Longest-Running Interstate Project In The Country at Nearly 70 Years!Michigan’s I-69 is Longest-Running Interstate Project In The Country at Nearly 70 Years!The highway began in the 1950s with every other Interstate project, but by the time it reached the south, major connecting highways had already been built between cities.MeatballMeatball
MSP Warns People Not to Swim in Flood Waters… But What About Jet Ski? [VIDEO]MSP Warns People Not to Swim in Flood Waters… But What About Jet Ski? [VIDEO]You'd think it wouldn't need saying, but here we are...JannaJanna