Wow. You've gotta see these pictures as a double rainbow appeared over New York City early Monday evening on the 22nd anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks.
Coming up in February, New York City will be celebrating The Beatles first trip to America 50 years ago. “NYC Beatles 50” will be tribute concerts at different venues around the Big Apple. The dates are February 6th through February 9th.
The Coney Island Polar Bear Club's annual New Year's swim looks like a great time. People in costumes, swimming, having fun. We probably should've gone, but there was that whole hangover thing to deal with. Which makes us wonder, does jumping into the freezing Atlantic ocean cure a hangover? If so, we're totally there next year.
According to the New York Post, there was a lot going on behind the scenes of the 2012 Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City that we would probably never find out about, and officials like it that way. To bad for them, the secrets are out.
San Francisco, 1849. Alaska, 1897. New York City, 2011? Is there a new gold rush in the Big Apple?
There is for Queens native Raffi Stepanian, who literally struck gold after discovering he could make up to $300 a day by ‘mining’ the sidewalks in Manhattan’s Diamond District for the tiny bits of gold, platinum and rare gems that fall from the clothes of workers when they leave their shops.
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