Jeremy Taylor

Do You Get Political News from Social Media? — Survey of the Day
Given the proliferation of social media over the last four years, 2012 should be the social media election.

Would You Forgive Your Partner for Cheating? — Survey of the Day
When it comes to infidelity, women are a lot more forgiving than men.

BREAKING NEWS: Marisa Miller Eats Naked
It goes without saying that swimsuit model Marisa Miller has an impressive figure. However, the 33-year-old’s perfect curves don’t come without effort and Miller recently shared some dieting tips with Women’s Health. The first of these suggestions was attention grabbing to say the least.

Would You Let Your Child Undergo Plastic Surgery If It Could Prevent Bullying? — Survey of the Day
Bullying has been around forever, but it’s really come to the forefront over the last few years with experts and educators weighing in with different ways to solve this problem that affects so many kids.

Woman Arrested For Trying To Throw Drug-Filled Footballs Into Prison
It’s September, which means the nation is starting to go football crazy. Ohio woman Janine Fulton recently took football insanity to a new level when she filled a couple official size Wilson balls with pills, marijuana, cigarettes, cell phones, and cell phone chargers and tried to toss them into the Richland Correctional Institution in Mansfield, OH.

Watch an Amazing Footless Boy Play Soccer
There is a reason soccer is called football around the world. Yet 11-year-old Gabriel Muniz has been able to excel at the sport despite being born without feet.

‘Eastwooding’ Is Now a Meme
While the rumor all week has been that a Ronald Reagan hologram would be the “surprise” guest at the GOP convention, instead it was Hollywood legend Clint Eastwood who helped to introduce Mitt Romney in Tampa.
And we think it’s safe to say Eastwood’s performance was “surprising.”

Who Should Pay for a Wedding? — Survey of the Day
Tradition dictates that a bride’s parents pay for a wedding.
But is that still the norm as nuptials become more and more costly and people are getting married at older and older ages?

New Old Spice ‘Muscle Music’ Commercial is Hilariously Amazing
From Bruce Campbell to Isaiah Mustafa to, now, Terry Crews, Old Spice has had some pretty great commercials the last few years. But their latest effort is next-level type awesome.

Man Calls 911 Looking For Nookie
While it may feel like it is, the lack of a sexual partner is not technically an “emergency.”

Sarah Palin Lookalike Will Be Among Plethora Of Strippers At GOP Convention
Sarah Palin won’t be a onstage this week at the Republican convention in Tampa, Florida. But, hurricane permitting, convention goers will have the opportunity to get an up close look at the former Vice Presidential candidate’s naked doppelganger, porn star Lisa Ann.

Are Americans Getting More or Less Honest? — Survey of the Day
Thanks partially to presidents George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, Americans have always prided themselves on being honest.
But are we still following the example of these icons?