Yep, this happened. During what we can only assume was a mesmerizing episode of the 'Steve Wilkos Show,' an Emergency Alert System interrupted a Montana television station with a message claiming that "the bodies of the dead are rising from their graves and attacking the living." Meaning? Yes, a zombie attack was underway.
On the one hand, a lot of people are going to be prepared for a zombie apocalypse in case that ever happens. On the other hand, a lot of people out there are buying guns to protect themselves from zombies. According to a gun rights advocate as well as a gun store owner, people are preparing themselves for the zombie apocalypse with guns and ammo.
Happy Halloween all you Halloweeners! Aside from the whole boatloads of candy thing, there are two awesome things we're excited about today: it's socially acceptable to dress up like a disgustingly gruesome zombie in public, and we get to nerd out over jack-o-lanterns. Could it get much better?! Surprisingly, yes.
If you're one of the many who are eagerly anticipating a zombie apocalypse, or even just a big fan of 'The Walking Dead,' this video explains how zombies could potentially be created and how accurate most of the fictional zombies are.
In the spirit of Halloween, here is a video of a man in zombie make-up driving through various fast-food restaurant drive-thrus and demanding chicken nuggets.
Don’t quote us, but we’re fairly certain a zombie apocalypse is pending. Why? The fact that ‘Here Comes Honey Boo Boo’ was renewed for a second season is reason enough to believe it. But even the military is prepping for a zombie takeover, and in all honestly, we’re totally on board! There’s a large possibility that’s due to our obsession with ‘The Walking Dead,' where all our spooked-out dreams a
Apparently not everyone is convinced that zombies don’t exist, even after the government so graciously cleared up this matter for us. The residents of Bangor, Maine — eight counties worth of people, actually — are among these non believers. In fact, this past Thursday they all participated in an emergency zombie apocalypse drill of sorts in the event that the undead will rise in the near future.
A 1,818.5 pound pumpkin that currently holds the world record for the largest pumpkin is being carved into a macabre spectacle of flesh-hungry zombies.