Watch the Best of March 2018 – Guinness World Records [VIDEO]
This is an amazing video where you're going to see in 10 minutes the following...
Most rear pull ups in one minute - 32.
Most throws and catches of a fire sword in 30 seconds - 27.
Highest vertical drop on a bicycle onto a target - 3.40 metres (11 ft 1.85 in)
Most sychronised dance waterskiers towed by a single boat - 48.
Most hits of a golf ball on a golf club in 30 seconds - 135.
Most rotations of a sword balanced on a dagger in one minute - 14.
Most inverts on a sit-down hydrofoil in one minute - 30.
Fastest time to pull a tank over 10 metres - 36.65 seconds.
Most one-handed American football catches in one minute - 5.
Most consecutive split jumps - 30.
Most sit down football crossovers in 30 seconds - 65.
Most push ups (one arm, carrying 100lb pack) in one minute - 15.
Fastest 10 metres balancing a cue on chin - 2.51 seconds.
Most golf ball catches in one minute (100 metres) - 12.
Largest explosive bubble (dome) - 66 cm (25.98 in).
Most rubik's cubes solved on a caster board - 151.
Longest line of pancakes - 110.85 m (363.68 feet).
Fastest time to deal a deck of cards - 17.73 seconds.
Fastest time to stack 20 dice into two towers (team of four) - 17.25 seconds.
Fastest time to travel to all seven continents - 3 days 20 hr 4 min 19 sec.
Longest distance swam underwater with one breath (open water, female, with fins) - 154 m (505 ft 2.98 in).
Most people on one motorcycle - 58.
Fastest marathon pushing a wheelchair (male) - 3 hr 35 mins 25 secs.
Most martial arts kicks in one hour whilst wearing 5kg ankle weights (using alternate legs) - 2027.
Fastest speed for a snowboard towed by a vehicle - 149.65 km/h.
Most socks put on one foot in 30 seconds - 28.
Fastest 100 metres sack race - 26.22 seconds.
Most strap doubles waterskiers water skiing simultaneously - 22.
Most dominoes stacked on one domino in one minute - 45.
Most chin ups in one minute carrying a 60 lb pack - 21.
Largest whoopee cushion - 7.62 m (25 ft) in diameter.
Most flips of a plastic bottle in one minute - 39.
Most consecutive pinky pull ups - 23.
Largest Lavani dance (single venue) - 1,326 participants.
Largest motorcycle loop in a globe of death - 10 m (32 ft 9.7 in).
Fastest mile joggling backwards with three objects (male) - 6 min 45.85 sec.
Most basketball free throws in one minute by a pair (male) - 46.
Fastest time to climb 50 stairs whilst twirling - 27.012 seconds.
Farthest long snap of an American football - 36.96 yards.
Fastest human crab walk - 20 metres - 5.79 sec.
Largest collection of Monopoly (board game) memorabilia - 1,999 items.
Longest hair on a teenager - 155.5 centimetres (5 ft 1.22 in).
Heaviest blueberry - 12.38g (0.436 oz).
Heaviest weight lifted by fingernail - 22.5 kg (49.6 lb).
Highest altitude fitness class - 5,262 m (17,270 ft).
Greatest variety of cheese on a pizza - 111.
Most push ups using back of hands, carrying a 60 lb pack in one minute - 45.
Smallest working drill - 6.93 mm (0.27 in) tall, 8.4 mm (0.33 in) in long and 6.4 mm (0.25 in) wide.
Most consecutive football touches on the sole while balancing on the back of a person - 345.
Tallest stack of cans - 27.
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