No Sled, No Big Deal – Here Are 7 Sled Alternatives
Goodshoot RF
I posted these makeshift sled options last winter and I heard from many of you who enjoyed sliding down a hill in quite a few of them. In case you missed it, get ready to have some fun this winter with these alternative sled ideas.

I don't care how old you are - sledding is a blast. This past winter I went sledding almost every weekend at Clover Beach in Linden. Sure my friends and I were the oldest people sledding, but who cares? We had a blast even though we never actually used an actual sled. That's right - you don't have to have a real sled to go sledding down a hill. There are numerous things you can use in place of a sled, and chances are you have most of the items on my list at your house already.
My list below is made up of seven sled alternatives. I am sure there are many more items that could be used for sledding purposes, if you have some ideas - be sure to share them with me and I will add them to my list.
Full disclosure, most of my alternative sled suggestions are kind of dangerous. Please use discretion when trying any of them, especially if you are putting your kid on a baking sheet and sending them down a snow-covered hill. Yes, a baking sheet is really on my list.
Happy Sledding!