‘Save Our Stages’ – You Can Help Save The Machine Shop And Other Independent Venues
For many of us The Machine Shop in Flint is a second home. I know you miss going to live shows there, I know you miss the staff, and I know you just miss being there period - me too.
There is something you can do to help the Shop, as well as other independent venues in Michigan. Let your voice be heard by clicking here. The link will take you to a website created by the National Independent Venue Association, called Save Our Stages. By taking 2 minutes out of your day, you can fill out a form to show your support. Your voice matters, let legislators know you want to save independent music venues.

Once you submit the online form, you will receive an immediate email response with additional ways you can help. The email reads as follows,
Thank you for taking the time to support us and for letting your representatives know you support the Save Our Stages and RESTART Acts. Without your help, we will not survive this pandemic. Please continue to spread the word! Share our hashtag #SaveOurStages on social media and ask your friends to TAKE ACTION by contacting their legislators via saveourstages.com!
Take one more action today and call your representatives to let them know you support NIVA and the Save Our Stages and RESTART Acts! Find Senators' phone numbers here and House of Representatives' phone numbers here.If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at info@nivassoc.org.
On behalf of everyone here at the Banana, I thank you for showing your support to the greatest venue ever - the world famous Machine Shop. Please be sure to tag, or tell your friends to do the same.