It was only a matter of time before gas prices jumped back over that $4 mark and now that you've become accustomed to paying that price expect to see higher rates as we head into hotter temperatures.
AAA says drivers are now paying $4.12 a gallon to fill up their tanks...
Gas prices have been skyrocketing lately and it has officially put us into new territory as prices reach a record high!
This is a bad look headed into spring of this year, especially knowing how prices are gonna still go up the closer we get to summer...
Gas has risen to record levels and Governor Gretchen Whitmer is helping to combat that by having the Michigan House pass legislation that if voted in would suspend the state gas tax for 6 months!
The total savings off each gallon would be $0...
Gas prices have been steadily climbing since the war between Russia and Ukraine drove oil up prices to new heights and now we're seeing the effects here stateside.
This is the highest that gas has been since 2008 with most places charging over $4 a gallon to fill up...
This is certainly not the best news for those of you that commute over an hour or more to work. According to Patrick De Hann, a gas expert (that sounds weird) prices at the pump will be rising soon in Michigan - if not already.
⚠️ ALERT: Expecting a hike soon in #gasprices in Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, and areas of Kentucky and Illinois as soon as tomorrow as retail gas prices are now at/below marg
Michigan gas prices are finally showing some signs of decline with prices down 5 cents compared to last week. Prices are still higher compared to last year at this time which was a whole $1.35 cheaper!
We probably won't ever see those 2020 gas prices ever again, but it's good to see it finally begin to drop...
Normally during the Fall and Winter seasons, gas prices tend to take a dive, but a recent report suggests that due to multiple factors consumers will be stuck paying inflated prices for a while.
For all my truck drivers out there, I feel for you...
Prices have been rather low around the Mid-Michigan area lately. The other night, I was able to fill up my tank for $2.85 per gallon, which isn't as bad as it could be.