St. Patrick's Day

‘Happy St. Patrick’s Day From Everyone Here In Ireland” [VIDEO]
‘Happy St. Patrick’s Day From Everyone Here In Ireland” [VIDEO]
‘Happy St. Patrick’s Day From Everyone Here In Ireland” [VIDEO]
"Every year on St. Patrick's Day the world goes green. . .but here in Ireland everyday is bathed in green. . ." Liam Neeson, born in Ballymena, Northern Ireland, is the emotional, gravelly voice behind this cool tourism spot. If you'd like to take a 60-second tour of Ireland and hear Liam waxing poetic about his homeland, check out the video clip below...
10 Signs You Are Too Excited About St. Patrick’s Day
10 Signs You Are Too Excited About St. Patrick’s Day
10 Signs You Are Too Excited About St. Patrick’s Day
There are few holidays that create more excitement and festiveness than St. Patrick’s Day. All over the country, people crowd the local pub in green clothes where they guzzle a ton of green beer, only to puke it back out in a green mess and wake up the next day in a green haze.   Of course, just like the crazy uncle in your family who thinks he’s Santa Claus in July, some people can take a good th
10 Gloriously Green St. Patrick’s Day Foods
10 Gloriously Green St. Patrick’s Day Foods
10 Gloriously Green St. Patrick’s Day Foods
Everyone knows that St. Patrick’s Day is the one day out of the year when we’re all Irish. And, apparently that translates into wearing anything green and silly we can get our hands on and having as much to drink as we can carry at one time. But, there’s another strange tradition that has developed in celebration of this day. We can’t explain it. Are Irish people really that into unnaturally green
10 Lucky Movie Quotes for St. Patrick’s Day
10 Lucky Movie Quotes for St. Patrick’s Day
10 Lucky Movie Quotes for St. Patrick’s Day
St. Patrick’s Day brings out the superstitious side in all of us. Lucky charms come front-and-center this week as we head into the holiday weekend. Though St. Patrick’s Day doesn’t get the same love in cinema that other high-profile holidays receive, Hollywood does have a rich tradition of crediting “Lady Luck” for certain milestones and achievements. Here are 10 “lucky” movie quotes that you can