Keep Your Pets Safe During This Weekend’s Fireworks and Air Show Celebrations
It's going to be an exciting weekend here in southwest Michigan! Not only do we have the extended holiday weekend to look forward to with Monday being the 4th of July, but the Field of Flight air show will take place over the weekend in Battle Creek as well.
As an adult human I am looking forward to attending both the air show and my local hometown fireworks display, but I know this can be a tough time of the year for both pet and pet owners.

The Humane Society of Southwest Michigan is sharing tips on how to keep your pets safe and secure this holiday weekend. Even if you think you're well-prepared to keep your furry friends comfortable and calm, it doesn't hurt to have a refresher!
According to the website BatCountryPetSitting.com, here are some "hot tips" to keep your pets safe throughout this weekend's festivities:
Updated Identification
Make sure your pets are wearing their I.D. tags and all the information listed is up to date. Similarly if your pet is microchipped, make sure the information on the chip is current. It also helps if you take a picture of your pet just to ensure you have a recent photo should you need it.
Secure Their Space
Whether it be the backyard, safe room, or crate, make sure your pet is enclosed in a space that is not easy to escape from.
Leave Your Pet at Home
If you're headed downtown for fireworks or to a friend's house for a barbeque, it's probably best to leave your furry friend at home. There will be a lot of stimuli from the crowds, fireworks, and sirens, in addition to the Thunderbirds flying overhead from the air show and if your pet gets spooked in public, they may get run away and get lost in the crowd.
Conversely, if you are hosting an event at your own home ask your friends and family to help keep an eye out for your pet in the event they try to run off. If needed, put signs up so your guests know which doors to leave closed for you pet's safety.
Check Your Yard
After the celebration, make sure your backyard is free from any hazards or residual fireworks debris-- be it from your household or a neighbor's. Keep your eyes peeled for any fireworks casing, sparklers, and even harmful food scraps that may have gone overlooked.
Take a Crate, Save a Stray
The SPCA of SW Michigan is also trying to help do their part with their Take a Crate, Save a Stray program: if you see a stray over the weekend your are welcome to borrow a crate to ensure the pet's safe transpiration to the county animal shelter. The SPCA will also provide food for you to give the animal while it's in your care.
Here's to hoping everyone has a safe and happy holiday weekend!
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