Adopt A Shelter Pet Day [VIDEO]
National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day is observed each year on April 30. The celebration was created as a way to raise awareness of the thousands of pets that need homes and are waiting to be adopted from shelters. Today is a perfect time to expand your family by four furry paws and to salute those who are doing their part to move pets out of shelters and into happy, forever homes.
Shelter adoption rates have been steadily rising since 2011 according to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) which is great news for animals and human beings alike. Not only does adopting save an animal’s life, but it can also improve your own health and happiness in myriad ways. From shelters adopting a streamlined open adoption process to foster programs and coverage of basic veterinary needs, adoption is easier than ever.
You can observe National Adopt A Shelter Pet Day by considering adopting if you can care for a pet or by sharing pictures of your adopted pet on social media using #AdoptAShelterPetDay.
PEDIGREE® Brand via YouTube
Source: ASPCA, Huffington Post