Michigan Bars Could Extend Closing Time To 4 A.M.
Like to party all night? You might be able to hear "closing time" a bit later than usual here in Michigan thanks to new legislation.
Michigan bars have definitely been through the ringer this year when it comes to COVID-19 shutdowns and various restrictions. However, this new bill could help bring in some extra, much-needed revenue.
As MLive reported, there was a 77-22 vote recently on House Bill 4213 that, if passed, would allow bars and restaurants to stay open until 4 a.m. That is, if they have on-premises liquor licenses and if their local government chooses to allow late-night liquor sales which are apparently another process for business owners to go through to be able to pull off.
In order to get a late-night permit, according to MLive, bar owners have to apply for one with the Michigan Liquor Control Commission and pay $250 annually.
There are plenty of other states that allow for a later "last call" or at least bigger cities. I remember being in Nashville, though, and due to COVID-19 bars had to close down by 10 p.m.
While for some people, a night out at the bars starts at maybe 8 p.m. and they are home by 11 p.m. there is a major difference in the crowd that leaves by 11 or is just getting there at 11.
For me, I was always thankful for the 1 a.m. last calls in Grand Rapids. We were part of the "getting to the bars at 11" crowd but because my friends were really into bars that I really did not enjoy I was more than happy to grab some late-night pizza and trot off to bed.
Whatever bar crowd you are part of, according to MLive lawmakers feel this could give lawmakers another way to help businesses stay afloat during COVID-19.
“This is an opt-in, local control bill,” said Rep. Ryan Berman, of Commerce Township who is sponsoring the bill. “I think it would bring in extra revenue to these businesses.”
So, what do you think? Is this a good idea?

Ready to get back out and about and enjoy some fun food and drinks, here are some Michigan restaurants who have been featured on the Food Network:
MORE TO EXPLORE: Michigan Restaurants Featured On The Food Network
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