Thou Shalt Commit Adultery?! Lapeer Deacon says “No.”
Thou shalt not kill, but hey adultery (which can get you killed) is going to be allowed? I went to Catechism here and was an alter boy and do not remember the 7th commandment this way.

Known as "The Wicked Bible" from 1631 has the notable typo, and it's the first known copy in this hemisphere.
Deacon Stan Russell, formerly of Lapeer says, "maybe good help was hard to find even then." We shared a laugh and a thought since there are only 20 of these bibles known to be in existence, maybe someone will sell it on Ebay and "donate the money to a good cause." We do know the printers lost their license because King George I was not amused, citing "sloppy workmanship." Deacon Russell also says, "we're pretty sure that whatever the cause of the typo was in this version, this version is wrong."
To be fair, printing in 1631 probably didn't have spell check options. One thousand of the bibles were in circulation, but removed by order of the king and only about 20 are in existence today.
In conjunction with todays social media disinformation, there was also word that the misprint was done on purpose! There was a tiff between two people and without Twitter or Facebook there was no place to air grievances. Experts say "the jury is still out" on if the misprint was deliberate.
So, probably not a good idea to show your spouse this version and use it as an explanation. I wouldn't even get in on the auction myself, us mortals are not here to judge, but it does bring a different perspective to "The Good Book".
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