No Mow May In Michigan – A Reason to Skip Lawn Mowing
No Mow May.
No, it’s not a thought to eliminate May from the standard calendar, it’s actually an idea to help the environment. According to those who study climate change and protection of the earth’s finite resources, something as simple as not mowing the yard until early June can help the earth sustain itself longer.

Whatever you think of climate change, I happen to believe, just watching fires consume vast areas of land and a drought so bad out west that the government is taking lawns away from people. In Nevada the recently passed legislation literally outlaws lawns with actual grass in them and requires at least 30 percent of all commercial and homeowner lawns to be completely removed and replaced with “desert friendly” landscape materials. The fight for water has gotten to the point of outlawing certain areas where water can actually be drawn from.
With that, here in Michigan where we take water for granted is also in the crosshairs, as legislatures’ in Michigan and states that surround the great lakes have to constantly consider water companies draining the great lakes for the thirsty states out in the west and southwest. That turns international as Canada also has to be considered and considerate of the largest amount of fresh water on earth.
No Mow May, according to those who study these things, we can help in a significant way by just leaving our lawnmowers off for the month of May, even if you have already mowed this month, there is an encouragement to leave the pesticides off the lawns and keep the mowers in the garage until at least early June. I would ask, are they going to help rake the lawn or help us bale it after this? It’s still a county of choice, unless you live where they are taking your grass out of your yard by law and there is no more dystopian thought than not having enough water for simply existing.
I fully expect a new band to come out called the Pollinators and if you name your band that, I promise I will play the record on the radio show!
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