80% of Americans are making plans to celebrate Easter and spend money in the process to the tune of $18.2 billion.

Easter has turned into a major money spending holiday. According to the National Retail Federation and Prosper Insights & Analytics, the largest part of dollars will be going for food with Americans dishing out $5.7 billion, second on the list is clothing (in your Easter Bonnet) $3.2 billion, up next $2.9 billion on gifts, then coming in close at the fourth spot it's candy $2.6 billion, Easter lilies and flowers sales will ring up $1.3 billion, if you plan on doing some decorating $1.1 billion will go toward holiday decorations and last but not least people buying greeting cards will add $780 million to the nations economy.
By the way according to the survey men are likely to spend approximately $20 more on average than women and 35 percent of consumers will participate in an Easter egg hunt.
Last but not least 51% will go to church.
Happy Easter.



Source: National Retail Federation

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