Lapeer County Veterans Day Events
Lapeer County Department of Veterans Affairs Vet to Vet Support Group will kick off the Veterans Day weekend with its monthly support group at their office on West Nepessing next door to the Old Court House. The confidential group provides an opportunity for veterans to discuss issues and experiences impacting their lives. An accredited veteran service officer will make a brief presentation on filing a service disabled compensation claim. The group is open to veterans only. Refreshments will be served. RSVP (first name only) to insure enough refreshments are available at 667-0256.
Then this Friday the Deshetsky family will host its annual Veterans Appreciation Dinner at the Fellowship Hall at the First Baptist Church in North Branch. Doors open at 11:45 with the meal served at 12:20 p.m. It is open to all veterans.
Veterans Day this Saturday, veterans from across the county will hold a ceremony at Lapeer’s Veterans Park.