Wanted: Pizza Eaters, Volunteer Drivers
Lapeer County Department of Veterans Affairs is looking for a few good volunteers to transport veterans to and from VA medical appointments. As an inducement, the LCVA will host a Pizza Party Friday, Feb. 17, at 11:00 a.m. for those interested in volunteering.
Interested parties will learn details about the department’s transportation program and the driver’s duties. Veterans are transported to and from medical appointments at VA facilities in Saginaw, Flint, Detroit, Ann Arbor and Yale.
The pizza party will also feature an announcement about a new vehicle for the program and a new opportunity for driver’s to be compensated.
Drivers are assigned according to their personal schedules.
To RSVP for Friday’s Pizza Party, call (810) 667-0256 or email jokreiner@lapeercounty.org